Stephen King Releases Short Story “Laurie,” Novella “The Gingerbread Girl” To Be Adapted and “IT: Chapter Two” Finds Two More Actors

Stephen King released a new short story, the rights to one of his novellas was purchased for a film adaptation, and Andy Muschietti’s adult Losers Club is coming together.

King surprised everyone May 17, with the online release of a brand new short story, “Laurie.” (that is a link to the pdf). You can find the story through a link in King’s tweet announcing the story’s release, or through his website.

“Laurie” tells the tale of Lloyd Sunderland, an elderly man living alone in Florida following the death of his wife. Lloyd’s sister stops by one day and gives him a puppy, Laurie.


For fear of spoilers, I’ll stop there, but “Laurie” is a very nice, heartwarming tale with an interesting King-esque thrill dropped in later.

I give it a 4 out of 5. It had some reminiscent themes from “Insomnia.”


In other news, the movie rights to King’s novella, “The Gingerbread Girl” were purchased by Brainstorm Media.

“The Gingerbread Girl” was first published in Esquire magazine but can now be found in King’s 2008 short story collection “Just After Sunset.”


The novella tells the tale of a woman who forces herself into a grueling running routine to avoid dealing with loss. One day she runs into the mysterious Pickering (dun dun dun).

Craig Baxley will be directing the film and he is co-writing the script with King himself. Baxley directed “Storm of the Century,” a screenplay King wrote and released in 1999.


Mitchell Galin has signed on to produce the film. King fans may recognize his name seeing as how he has produced the adaptations of Kings “Pet Sematary,” “The Stand,” “Thinner,” “The Langoliers,” “The Night Flier” and “Golden Years.” You could say King likes his work and vice-versa.

No release date has been announced yet, but casting is currently underway.


A couple weeks ago I told you the second part Andy Muschietti’s adaptation of “IT” had found a few actors, well this week they added two more to the adult Losers Club.

On May 16, James Ransone announced via his twitter page that he will be playing adult Eddie Kaspbrak and constant readers everywhere are sucking on their inhalers in excitement.


Ransone is known for his work in “Sinister,” “Sinister 2” and “The Wire” along with a few smaller films and shows.

Only a day after Ransone made his announcement, Andy Bean was announced as adult Stanley Uris.

The announcement came via Wyatt Oleff’s Instagram page. Oleff played young Stan in the uber successful first part of Muschietti’s adaptation.


Bean’s previous work include “The Divergent Series: Allegiant,” and TV shows “Power” and “Here and Now.”

Bean and Ransone aren’t very well-known actors, and they’ll have to fight for screen-time with James McAvoy, Bill Hader, and Jessica Chastain, but I’m sure the two new additions will do very well in their roles and I have complete faith in Andy Muschietti’s direction.

Lastly, let’s not forget the release of “The Outsider” is fast approaching… constant readers can practically taste the 22nd.

In other writing release news, a collection of short stories edited by Stephen King and writer Bev Vincent, “Flight of Fright” is set for a September 4 release.


“Flight or Fright” contains stories all about the horrors of plane travel. It includes stories from King himself, as well as his son Joe Hill, and 15 other authors.

A month after “Flight or Fright” hits shelves, King’s newest novella, “Elevation,” will be released October 30.


It is seriously a great time to be a constant reader and Stephen King fan.

Netflix Adapting “In the Tall Grass” and More “Pet Sematary” News

The 2019 remake of “Pet Sematary” signed another actor and the director made some big statements. Meanwhile, Netflix nabbed the rights to the co-written novella “In the Tall Grass.”

“Pet Sematary” (2019) screenwriter Jeff Buhler, in an interview with Dread Central, said, he and the directors, Dennis Widmyer and Kevin Kolsch, want to make the upcoming remake King’s scariest movie yet.

They are aiming for a more “grounded and psychologically horrific” adaptation. Buhler also said “if you love the book, you’ll love this movie.” Which is very encouraging.


King’s 1983 novel tells the tale of a doctor and his family who move into a new home in Maine and discover a secret cemetery behind their house that harbors a greater power than they could imagine.


Last week, I told you “Pet Sematary” had landed its leading man; Jason Clarke as Louis Creed. Well, as soon as last week’s post published, it was announced the movie had begun negotiations with another actor.

John Lithgow has joined the cast and will portray the Creed’s neighbor, Jud Crandall. Jud becomes a great friend of Louis and tells the younger man about the horrific past of the cemetery behind his home.

Jud was portrayed by Fred Gwynne, a.k.a. Herman Munster in the 1989 movie. Gwynne nailed the role, so Lithgow has some big shoes to fill.


Lithgow, known for his work on “The Crown” and “3rd Rock from the Sun,” should be a perfect casting choice for the elderly neighbor. Jud is a wise, sad, and caring old man; all traits which Lithgow can express perfectly. I just hope he hides his goofier side and based on the direction the movie seems to be heading, I’m sure there will be very little room for levity.

“Pet Sematary” is my favorite King novel. I am hoping for an excellent adaptation and I’m chomping at the bit for any news and updates, stay tuned!

“Sometimes dead is better.”


Aside from the “Pet Sematary” remake: on May 8 Netflix announced they purchased the rights to the novella, “In the Tall Grass.” Yes, another King movie!

King wrote “In the Tall Grass” with his oldest son Joe Hill. Hill is also a best-selling author known for novels like “NOS4A2” (which AMC is adapting into a tv series) and “The Fireman” as well as the “Locke and Key” graphic novel series. I guess writing runs in the family.


“In the Tall Grass” was originally released in two parts in the June/July and August 2012 issues of Esquire magazine. In October of 2012, the novella was released in e-book and audiobook formats.

The novella tells the tale of a brother and sister who venture into tall grass in Kansas after hearing a young boy’s cry for help but discover there may be no way out…


James Marsden, known for “Westworld” and “X-Men” has signed on as the lead. Meanwhile, Vincenzo Natali will direct and has written the script while Steve Hoban, Jimmy Miller, and M. Riley will produce the film.

Natali and Hoban worked together on the film “Splice” and Miller and Riley both produced the movie “The Lazarus Effect.”


In 2017, Netflix released two other King adaptations: “1922” and “Gerald’s Game.” Both films were very well done and received great reviews among King’s faithful constant readers.

“In the Tall Grass” will begin production this summer in Toronto but a release date has yet to be announced, so again, stay tuned and thanks for reading!


Stephen King Updates Galore!

The Kingverse has had a busy couple weeks with “Pet Sematary” and “IT” finding possible actors, the rights to “The Long Walk” being bought, “Castle Rock” dropping a new trailer and release date, AND we’re within sight of the release of “The Outsider.”

The second part of director Andy Muschietti’s adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel, “IT,” is set for release on September 6, 2019. Muschietti promised “Chapter Two” would be even scarier than the extremely successful first part which released in September 2017.


The first part of “IT” followed the children of the Losers Club. “Chapter Two” deals with the children as adults and having to rekindle their friendships to once again face-off with Pennywise, the ultra-scary shapeshifting clown, (who will again be portrayed by Bill Skarsgard).

The children actors who portrayed the Losers Club did an excellent job. King fans everywhere have been waiting “patiently” for news of which actors will be portraying the adult Losers Club. Well, it looks like we know (potentially) who three of the seven will be.

On February 20, it was announced that actress Jessica Chastain would portray adult Beverly Marsh. Chastain and Muschietti worked together in the horror film “Mama.” Chastain has the perfect look for Beverly and she is a great actress so I’m sure she will do very well. Constant Readers can breathe a sigh of relief.

On April 12, two actors joined Chastain for “Chapter Two.” Bill Hader has begun talks to portray Richie Tozier, the Losers Club’s jokester. Hader is best known for his work with “Saturday Night Live” and his new hit HBO show, “Barry.” Hader is funny and can be serious when he wants, he’s a perfect Richie in my opinion.

James McAvoy has also begun talks to join the cast of “IT: Chapter Two.” McAvoy is slated for the very important role of Bill Denbrough, the leader of the Losers Club. McAvoy showed he has range with his recent chiller, “Split,” but he is more known for his role in the newer “X-Men” movies.

McAvoy is a great actor, but something about him seems off for the role of Bill. I think he would be better suited to play adult Eddie Kaspbrak, but I trust Muschietti and I like McAvoy, so if he is cast as Bill, then he will be a great Bill.


“IT” isn’t the only adaptation that cast roles recently. The new adaptation of 1983 novel “Pet Sematary” (my favorite King novel), slated for an April 2019 release, has found its leading man.

Jason Clarke is in negotiations to star as Louis Creed, father of the Creed family. “Pet Sematary” is about the Creed’s and the haunted Pet Sematary behind their house where anything buried there comes back to life… changed.

Clarke has the perfect look for Louis, he even looks like a more grisly Dale Midkiff, the actor who portrayed Louis in the 1989 movie. Clarke is known for his work in the recent film “Chappaquiddick” as well as “Zero Dark Thirty,” “Mudbound,” and “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.”


Speaking of adaptations, ANOTHER Stephen King novel had its rights purchased on April 25.

New Line Cinema has purchased the rights to King’s 1979 novel “The Long Walk.” James Vanderbilt will be writing and producing alongside Bradley Fischer and William Sherak.


King wrote “The Long Walk” under the Richard Bachman pseudonym. The novel tells the story of Ray Garraty in a future dystopia where every year the Long Walk contest takes place. The contest pits 100 teens in a walking journey where if you stop or walk too slow more than twice (three strikes and you’re out) then you are shot and left for dead on the side of the road. Last man standing is awarded the prize, which is anything you want for the rest of your life.

“The Long Walk” is one of my favorite Bachman books, and I have it very high in my King rankings, so I, and all other constant readers, are hoping for a stellar adaptation.


Remember way back, when we discussed the upcoming show “Castle Rock” based on King’s haunted city? Well, on May 2, Hulu released a brand new chilling trailer and a release date (FINALLY) for the anthology series.

Creepy right? Well I don’t know about you, but I am very excited for July 25. J.J. Abrams and Hulu did a good job with their adaptation of King’s time-travel novel “11/22/63,” so I am expecting good things from “Castle Rock.” The show has been shrouded in mystery and I think that is a good thing and will ultimately make for a better viewing experience for fans.


So I have done a lot of talk about all these movies and TV shows based off Stephen King’s books, well guess what? The Man is still writing! Yeah, that’s right, and we are in release month!

“The Outsider” is set for release on May 22, and I am stoked. The 576 page novel sounds absolutely chilling. The mysterious and somewhat vague synopsis sounds like we are being set up for some classic King twists and thrills. I have been “patiently” waiting for this since I pre-ordered it in October and I will be waiting by the door for the mailman on release day.


Stay tuned for more updates and reviews and as always: thanks for reading!


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